Life is a Game
My beloved children,
Daddy just want you all to know that life is like playing a game. It is almost like a treasure hunt.
The problem in life is that you cannot choose where to start the game. Some people are born in the developed countries e.g. America or Australia while others are born in less developed countries. Some people are fortunate to have nurturing families while others may be deprived of basic physical or emotional needs.
Nevertheless, there will be a time when you will attain the ability to THINK, and take control of your own mind and thoughts. This is the time for you to learn and master the Game of Life.
In any games, there are Rules to follow. This means that there are certain behaviors that are not encouraged and you will need to exercise self-restraint. Otherwise your winnings will be considered invalid or you will be disqualified.
If you continue to think and do the right thing, you will collect Reward points as you progresses in the game of life. And there is a purpose and a goal in the game. In Treasure Hunt, the purpose of the game is to uncover the hidden treasures.
Look out for trusted team player in your game. Journey together as a team until you reach your final goal. Never play the game alone.
With Love
“If you want to get warm you must stand near the fire: if you want to be wet you must get into the water. If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must get close to, or even into, the thing that has them.”
― C.S. Lewis